When Vip's hands got a little too friendly with Lithium, she ended up tazing him and beating him as he was half-naked. Piss, who was standing outside the limo, decided to add insult to injury by breaking the glass with his elbow, dragging Vip half-way outside, and then opening the limo door so that his followers could see his exposed nethers.
Maple and Cupid went to perform acts of healing to gain barter, and ran across a guy who had some problems with his junk. He said he could pay for treatment with information, and let on that he knew something about the kidnapped kids. Unfortunately though Cupid popped one of Want's mushrooms and passed out instantly for a few hours. Maple grabbed Cupids medical supplies and convinced the guy to show him where the merchandise was. Maple discovered a girl from live oak in a cage who displayed psychic powers and could be bought for 5 barter. Maple gave him a down-payment of a barter, and then went back to join the group.
Piss and Cupid were playing cards when they noticed a quiet had overtaken the town. They set off to explore, and found Piss's gang beating the piss out of the rival religious group's followers, and Piss quickly joined in. Cupid managed to drag Vip away and stabilize him, who revealed that A) his house was full of treasure to repay cupid and B) flapjacks had been tailing us since the rookery in a caravan of humvees seeking revenge. Piss commanded his group to ride out, but one of them ended up giving him some lip. With a little unwanted help form Cupid, Piss put him back in his place, and the team started to ride off.
Maple and Lithium went back to arrange the deal for the girl, but things went south - one of the goons ran off down a hallway with the girl, but Lithium ran after them, caught up to the goon wearing football pads, and shot him dead. She also left a trail of gasoline behind her as well.
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